Saturday, April 20, 2019

You'll know when it's right

Is it true that you were deeply troubled by the results of the previous presidential election? listen, to defeat righteousness requires self discipline. look at Obama, did he go around making statements like that? no, he understands that evil must grow quietly, and then rise up at once to destroy righteousness. Come on think man! As Jesus pointed out, there is truly only one good, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. and so any elected president is going to have flaws. and some of these flaws are not really very funny. but better to recognize your flaws and work on them than to Simply deny them or worse yet, view them as strengths. Yes the election results were troubling, a land slide victory would have been more appropriate.

You know what they say? The true size of a man is determined by how he treats his enemies.

Just went for a sit demo in the latest Tesla. For 40 grand it is truly remarkable. Did you have that talk with Elon?

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